Everyone has heard about Greek gods at least once in their lifetime by the word of mouth or from folklore books and grandma’s stories. Everyone has defiantly imagined that peaceful and prosperous land where the gods lived and dreamt about having to visit this place but never being able to. What if we tell you that you can not only imagine this place but actually go to such a place? Cyprus is the land of old myths and legends in which ancient Greek gods are still alive and do their feats every now and then. So if you have always been dreaming of catching a glimpse of how ancient Greece might have looked like and visiting sacred places, Cyprus is the next stop for you.
Cyprus is filled with places which, by legends, are connected to Goddess Aphrodite and other essential to Greek mythology features, so this is a perfect place for exploration in terms of not only natural sights but also historic places. One such example could be Aphrodite’s Rock. Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty and love who was born from the depths of the sea, as it is said. The place where Aphrodite came out of the waters as a fully-grown woman located nowhere else but on Cyprus — near a coast of Paphos, to be precise. There you can find Petra tou Romiou which is a naturally shaped peculiar formation of stones which, when washed by crashing waves, resemble the shape of a human body as if mighty Aphrodite is reborn over and over again. There is even a local legend connected to this place: to be blessed by Aphrodite and find true love and happiness in life, one should swim around the rocks. The city of Paphos itself is a great place to venture on following Aphrodite’s traces. Here a temple of Aphrodite can be found which dates back to the 12th century BC when people, inhabiting these lands, worshiped the goddess of love and fertility.
Cyprus is indeed a place soaked up with history and haunted by the tales of the past in almost its every corner. Cities like Paphos or Nicosia are filled with ancient temples and tombs, architecture dated back to centuries before BC as well as the ruins of the old civilisations. All avid history lovers would be just taken aback by the remains of the past here — and definitely will not be unsatisfied. In the past, Cyprus was conquered and inhabited by numerous civilisations, including such grand ones as Romans, Assyrians, and Egyptians. No wonder than nowadays Cyprus can serve as a viewpoint onto heritage of the past, as it combines traditions and cultures of so many peoples.
Apart from being a cradle of gods and legends, Cyprus has many other advantages, making it a desirable for visitors all year round. One of the biggest one is the climate. The weather conditions here make vacations possible almost every month throughout a year because the winters are short and summers are rains free with temperatures being not too high and extreme. The island is always sunny with only 40-45 days of rainfall, however, even on a rainy day the island does not become less attractive due to other entertainment rather than water and beach attractions.
Thanks to its climate and a beneficial Mediterranean location, Cyprus is gastronomical paradise. When food is concerned, have no doubts — on Cyprus you will never complain about having to taste uneatable or not delicious dishes. Because of its traditional role as the crossroad of several peoples, it serves different types of cuisine. You can try typical European cuisine, influenced by Italian and Spanish food traditions. You can indulge into Middle Eastern food choices, filled with every oriental delights one can imagine. Or you even can taste Asian and Central Asian menu, as it has also influenced the cooking traditions on the island. The island is, moreover, the place where locals produce their own vegetables and fruit which are absolutely eco-friendly and worth tasting. The Mediterranean region is also famous for its wines — and Cyprus is not an exception either. Grapes are produced here everywhere and used for different purposes. Traditional wine is one of them. If you are on Cyprus, you can enjoy an unforgettable dinner on the coast with a glass of wine and served traditional refinements: on mounds of Halloumi, Sheftalia, or charcoal-grilled meat made in a traditional style of Cyprus.
Cyprus is, to think about it, a heavenly created island of peace and quiet in the centre of South European region. It is not large, and every sightseeing location is fairly attainable by car or a motorbike. All attractions are within several-hours trip, so travelling on the island is as easy as you can ask for it. This place is, moreover, marked by great safety rules, so no perils can find you there. The biggest advantage of Cyprus is its variety. If you are a party animal, you will find terribly good night clubs here. If you cannot live without your backpack and kilometres of new locations — you can traverse around the island as much as you physically can and still discover new paths laying off the beaten track. If you are travelling with family and kids looking for cheerful and enjoyable vacation, beaches are sandy and the water is warm, so the only thing you will have to care about is not getting sunburnt on particularly hot days. Cyprus is a perfectly fancy European getaway. Do not believe us? Check yourself then.