Double, Double Toil And Trouble…

As darkness falls onto the forest, the fires start raging and the magical forces awake. The line between the world of the living and the world of the dead now looks almost indistinct. 

The night of 30 April invites you to cross the border. Legend has it that a woman named Walpurga, when traveling by sea to Germany, prevented a storm catastrophe and saved everyone on the ship. She was pronounced a saint since then, and became the Patroness of the ones who go out to the sea. 

That wasn’t the only miracle the world witnessed. Later, she healed a young girl suffering from a deadly disease and revived a pregnant woman from a burning fever. There is much more, even: a saved starving boy, nourished only with three spicklets, and even that doesn’t close the list of her noble deeds.  

It seemed that she was flawlessly capable of handling any storm in a teacup. Any help would always be given to people by Saint Walpurga. On Walpurgis Night, folks remember her and greet the coming spring as well.  

It is also known (Goethe had a lot to do with it) that that night is when nature gains its highest magical powers, and that knowing about it, witches go out at night for herbs. That led to the locals getting hostile – just another example of superstitious women victimizing. 

Yet nowadays, pagan traditions and rituals have faded away, and it is mostly a celebration of life and joy. It is about throwing parties, carnivals, festivals and parades. Those are accompanied by folk, ethnic music and burning fires, fireworks, dressing ups, dancing, playing, drinking, making amulets, burning the old belongings and lots and lots of different fun and mischievous things as such.  

Where and How? 

It depends. Folks from different countries have their different ways of celebrating Walpurgis Night. That was initially celebrated among Finnish upper class. Then, the students took the initiative. Quite literally, they do it in modern days: the Mayor of Tartu (Estonia) hands over his power to students every year. 

Then it’s become more of a mass tradition. It is noticed to be popular: playing pranks on neighbors, messing up with their gardens, yards and porches, painting their walls. For the sake of authenticity, you want to visit Northern Europe or Scandinavian countries. 

Any traditional dishes?

There are some! 

Initially they served horse meat, no bread or salt. Drinks were poured in cow hooves and horse skulls. Magical herbal beverages to wash it all down. 

Good news – you don’t have to.  

Today it may simply be smoked whitefish, salmon, Gravlax (salted, sugared salmon with dill), mulled wine or Sangria. It makes sense that all the dishes and beverages should be simple, for it were peasant food back in the days.  

Now, about looks…

This is sort of beyond Halloween when one dresses up as a scary clown, nurse or Freddy Krueger. Participants really do have the chance to step away from basic mainstream costumes: not just a cheap wig and a “sexy Harley Quinn look”, but something more ethnical, gothic, mythical, mystique and terrifying this time, if you will.

Consider dressing up extravagantly. Do go wild – it is the exact time for your inner witch or demon to introduce themselves to the world. 

Something wicked this way comes!

The Meet-And-Greets Return On The Eve Of Disneyland’s Anniversary

Disneyland was always a place of joy for both children and adults, but it has undergone changes connected to the pandemic. In the last two years, Disneyland parks have gone through temporary closures and then openings, as well as an obligation to wear masks for all visitors. Recently, it was announced that one more interaction is coming back! Starting on April 18, park visitors will be able to reacquaint themselves with their favorite Disney characters. Autograph sessions were resumed too: Mickey Mouse, any princess you like, pirates – you can meet-and-greet whoever you want! Don’t miss the opportunity to do it, especially on the eve of the upcoming event: one of the Disneyland parks, in Paris, is celebrating 30 years in 2022.

A British Company Is Looking For A Pillow-Tester

According to the famous British booking company, there is a job opening as a pillow-tester. A perfect candidate should really love sleeping, at least, it will be a huge benefit. A successful candidate will spend two days at each of 52 hotels in the UK, and then write a review after each visit. The list of tasks to complete also includes rating hotels according to personal experience.

The decision to launch a new job was made after a recently held survey. The number of candidates who have taken part has exceeded two thousand tourists. Most of them are experiencing difficulties sleeping on the journey and want to improve the situation. However, only one candidate is going to get the job and a cash reward if they do everything right. 

Movies To Watch On Board

According to statistics, up to 15-20% of the population suffers from aerophobia. It is believed that adults over the age of 25 are more scared of flying than others. 

Now, reading a book may help as a distraction, as well as listening to music. Yet, a book takes demands to be attentive (which is not usually possible when a kid behind you is kicking your seat), and the lighting is not always comfortable for reading. A good playlist may calm you down a little, but it does not take off your eyes out of the window. 

 We suggest doing yourself a favour and downloading some of these movies we bring you in today’s list. This Top-7 is an editor’s choice to watch during the flight. Most of them are travel or family comedies – good ones – to relieve you from stress. 

Fasten your seat belts, recline the back of the chair in an upright position and enjoy the film!

Hector and the Search for Happiness 2014 R 1h 54m

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 2013 PG 1h 54m

Gulliver’s Travels 2010 PG 1h 25m

Captain Fantastic 2016 R 1h 58m

Boy 2010 Not Rated 1h 27m

Eagle vs Shark 2007 R 1h 28m

Hunt for the Wilderpeople 2016 PG-13 1h 41m

Kanye West’s Sunday Service

Christian hip-hop that is flying through all over America. It hasn’t got its own church but it doesn’t need to. Kanye West is especially famous for his music and fashion design. But lately, there are a lot of curious shots on the celebrity’s blogs taken during some events with distinctly religious overtones. Perhaps we could consider an ordinary themed party, until you know who’s behind it. Yes, this is him. Ye, who has preached with his own-created prayer performance group.  

What could we expect from a guy named Yeezus?

It all began in 2019 with one-hour home sessions,  which were then moved to a rehearsal studio, before the release of the album «Jesus Is King», marking a complete immersion in the Christian faith. It continued like this until the fields and the stadiums. In fact, it has swept America as far as music and arts festival Coachella. Gatherings are also held in churches frequented by interfaith Christians, and even once in a Houston prison.

Religion in the era of social networks

Meanwhile, spirituality has always been traced in hip-hop music also at the suggestion of many other artists. 

Despite the trends that are so striking, whether it be a cult of money, sexism or violence, there could also be some moral comprehension behind. Reflection on sense and redemption, like an inner struggle against evil. Ultimately, we can find lots of illustrations of how hip-hop mocks lavish lifestyle’s propaganda which is part of its own image and its own identity.

Although Kanye has always brought religious note into his art, Sunday Service is a real breakthrough. Especially given his epic scale figure, this took religion to a new level in hip-hop.

This is place to feel good

In fact, Service gathers people for song and prayer, but formally it is not a church. These are the Christian meetings with a “family atmosphere” setting that talk about Jesus and God.

The hip-hop element alone attracts people who used to  choose an alternative place to an ordinary church. It is a good shot for non-traditional Christians.

“It’s just an idea we had to open up our hearts to make music that we felt was as pure and as positive as possible and just do it for an hour every Sunday, and have something where people can just come together and feel good with their families.” — Kanye.

So, who can touch a bit of that divine?

Weekly sessions contain «The Samples» choir. Along with the Kanye’s tracks gospel versions, together they perform popular songs of other musicians, many of whom already came themselves to be part of action.

Аmong them there is even Justin Bieber. But that’s nothing compared to Marilyn Manson. That’s a little crazy, but makes some sense if you want to see what all the hype is about.

The party mainly is available to visit only by special arrangement. As you probably guessed, the dress code is specially created by Yeezy.