An Eco-Friendly Bay Invites Visitors To Make Friends With Dolphins

A very intelligent and friendly creatures who have many similar personality traits to humans, dolphins are always in favor wherever they live. People who love dolphins can rejoice, as from now on they have an opportunity to look at them closely. The Greyhope Bay Centrein Aberdeen, UK, is finally opening after almost ten years of being developed. It is located just off the shore of Aberdeen Harbour and offers visitors a chance to have a look at the dolphins who live in the local waters. In the remaining time, the guests of the centre are invited to take a tour around the centre. They can learn more about doplhins, other creatures of marine life, or the battery that runs the centre. This battery is a part of grid connected solar power that does not damage the environment and saves energy. For those who want to delve into history, there are many sources of information available for examination.