Paris Hospitality Forum

Now all the world’s moving towards the COVID pandemic recovery stage. Global tourism organizations are not an exception. The governments took the steps to protect their nations from the pandemic by shutting down their borders, closing hotels, declining flights, canceling bookings, etc.

Customers nowadays expect easier, more energy and time-saving ways of traveling and staying abroad, whether it’s a business trip or a vacation.
Aside from that, now people’s perceptions of safety are quite different from before. The COVID-19 pandemic has changes traveling patterns, behaviors and habits for the better and for the worse as well. There are a psychological, financial, health, and other factors in the compartment. For instance, not everybody is yet ready for crowded places, and there are even more nationality prejudices now.

Now, imagine yourself being such a customer. Sure, you’ll purchase services that allow you to almost not think about anything other than your trip – that’s easy to see. But what if you are a provider of such services? How to manage the business in a world where customer expectations are increasing and the resources to provide needed services are more and scarcer?
As said before, the pandemic outbreak revealed not only widespread inconsistencies in the industry, but also brought up socio-economical concerns. The travel market struggled in a substantial decrease, as prices rose and the client’s ability to pay has gone down. Not only that, the tourism institute is strongly dependent not only on income, but on jobs, too.

‍Now, though the leisure-focused industry seems like not the fist-priority thing, more and more people feel optimistic and appear to be eager to travel again. Taking that into account, the travel industry may now be the lifebuoy for those who struggle from post-pandemic anxiety, social distancing and quarantine consequences. Consumer behavior now will not be that easy to forecast, though, so that is challenging for all the researchers in the industry.
The question is: how to instill confidence in new employees who are now living, like all of us, in a dramatically changing world? Simply put, in times of crisis? Large businesses should not only try to thrive on social post-pandemic reality. But rearrange their approaches into something more compassionate, emphatic, to really understand customers’ appetites and fulfill their needs.

Tourism-mobility and availability are highly important as well. Taking into account the new restrictions and rules, we should always consider previous issues, too. Such as: culture variety, gender issues for both women and men as they both struggle with feeling safe and accepted in some places still, politics, work, health, time, locations, and, for sure, benefits to both sides.

So, if you’re looking for a like-minded group of people to share and to gain new ideas and concepts from, you might consider participating in Hospitality Operator Forum in Paris.
Those are the themes to be pitched on June 22:
– Firstly, the professionals are going to share their experiences on how they differentiate themselves.
– Secondly, brand experiences creative agency MKG is going to take the floor.
– Then, the pioneers of the industry are going to support the deliberations as well.
Examples out of other spheres are going to be given as well, for it is essential to look from a different angle.

An Eco Park Is Going To Be Built On Kadapakkam Lake In Chennai

The Greater Chennai Corporation (the government of the city of Chennai in India) is considering building an eco-park on the Kadapakkam lake anytime soon.  Kadapakkam lake is spread over more than a hundred acres. The government has decided to support the project because of the beautiful view and the need to save the lake. For now, it is a very polluted area, but the government of Chennai believes they will be able to clean the lake before opening the park and prevent visitors from throwing garbage in the lake (by building fences). The Kadapakkam lake is a nice area to host an eco park because of the surrounding nature. There are more than a hundred species of flowers growing nearby. At least 30 species of butterflies and almost 50 species of birds live on the lake, and they are to be saved by turning a polluted area into an eco-zone.

Proud In Vegas

Vegas arranges a whole year of queer-related events. Take your partner, friend or a gang to flow into an extravagant, freely-expressing world. 

Ride for your life…

In Nevada state it is  the BigHorn Rodeo, which will take place Friday, Sept. 16 to Sunday, Sept. 18, at Horseman’s Park, organized by Gay Rodeo Association. You may check out upcoming events on their official page by clicking the link – lots and lots of fun stuff awaits, prizes to intensify the battle!


Aid for AIDS of Nevada’s arranging the marathon on Sunday, May 1 at Sunset Park. Not only that, it’s going to be lots of fun activities as well. All the funds raised will be used to provide help for people with HIV/AIDS in Southern Nevada. 

There is also a special event requiring you to wear black and white colors as a gesture of solidarity. 

You can dance, you can jive

Luxor Hotel is throwing a party!

Near the swimming pool, under the hot, genial sunshine. From Sunday, May 8, through every Sunday till September. 

And that’s not even covering half of the list. The beautiful world of the 21st century we live in today gives us the chance to express ourselves. Thanks to such paces and organizers, safely, openly, freely than ever.

Good luck. While joining, remember: purse first!

Vesak Festival In Tibet

The main Buddhist festival is Vesak, also known as Saga Dava. It commemorates the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and Nirvana. This is the most auspicious festival because it lets us to ponder on the Buddha’s teachings and fully comprehend the impermanence of our lives.

May 16, 2022

What`s Vesak about?

When Buddha Shakyamuni was ready to enter Nirvana, he gave an order to one of his followers. Not only should he commemorate Buddha after his death, but he should also make his teachings a reality. Every human being’s heart must exude mercy to all living things. People must realize that the body is made up of various objects that will eventually disintegrate.

The month of Saga begins when the sky is illuminated by the star Saga. According to the Tibetan calendar, this occurs every four months. The date is always different in each country. The festival in Tibet will begin on May 16 this year.

The amount of good deeds and prayers is multiplied by a thousand during Saga Dava. This is an especially mystical period during which individuals purify their minds. They don’t kill animals, don’t eat meat, and release captured animals back into their natural habitat as part of a liberation ritual. Vesak also refers to the act of expressing compassion through supporting strangers. Buddhists help those in need by donating food, clothing, and money. It’s a good moment to start accumulating merit.

Celebration in Lhasa

Vesak begins by raising the Tarboche flag. Believers replace the old flagpole with a new one from the previous year. They take great care to ensure that the structure stands precisely upright. An incline flagpole is a negative sign for Tibet, indicating misfortune. Luckily, the flagpole is always exactly aligned, and everyone sighs with relief. They are confident that their prayers, carried by the wind, will reach their intended destination.

Of course, prayers enter the atmosphere not only through flags, but also by Buddhists’ constant recitation of mental and oral prayers during these days. They pray for the preservation and dissemination of the Buddha’s teachings in the consciousness of all living beings, as well as world peace, for holy gurus of all lineages. Tibetians and pilgrims spend the most of their time praying in monasteries and temples. Thousands of them are making their way to Lhasa’s Potala Palace which is full of lights inside. According to Tibetan Buddhist tradition, an abundance of light assists the mind in properly concentrating and entering profound meditation.

If you desire sublime realization, offer up hundreds of lights.

The Chakrasamvara Root Tantra

People go to the park near the Potala Palace when the bustling day comes to an end and twilight falls. They are having a picnic and taking a break, but many Tibetans continue to pray there.

The Importance of Kailash 

The Kailas sacred circuit is a second essential and permanent part of the festival. On the first day of the holiday, hundreds of pilgrims begin their cleansing trip from here.

Long before the Buddha’s arrival, the impregnable and towering Kailas was revered as a sacred temple. The pilgrimage ritual of circuiting the mountain («kora» in Tibetan) stands at the top of the list. Tibetans believe that just one kora can purify the soul of this life’s heavy karma. After completing 108 rounds, a person can exit the rebirth cycle and never return to this planet. People are compelled to make a round around the Kailas by Saga Dawa, the driving power. You will have more strength to do this act towards oneself when immersed in the energy of this unique occasion than you would on a regular day. You will also be able to circuit a flagpole once it is erected atop Kailas in Tarboche. One round around the flagpole, according to Tibetans, is comparable to one round of the Kailas.

You should go to this fantastic mystical festival to find out which technique works in practice.

Peace In Sulu Province

Provincial tourism officer of Sulu, which is in Phillipines, promises a new start for the local tourism industry. 

“Sulu is far better today,” Julkiram Arastam claims, as he’s giving the interview to Arab News. 

“Ten years ago, we could only dream that one day peace and order would no longer be a problem in Sulu, and it would be able to show the world how beautiful it is.”

They hope to change their reputation, as well as the image, that have been constantly being destroyed through the long conflict of its territories and militant unrest.

“We are improving our airport and we’re also dreaming that there will be a direct flight from Manila.”

“We have started to personally feel peace in Sulu.”