Comic-Con San-Diego’s Coming!

Comic-Con San-Diego’s Coming!

The festival will be held from July 21 to July 24.

Every year, geeks from all around the world gathering together to dive into a pop-culture festival. But it all started in San-Diego in 1970, and this time the global phenomenal convention is taking place exactly here!

At Comic-Con one can meet fan-mates and lots of different artists as well: musicians, artists, cosplayers, craftsmen, animators, producers – and it’s not the end of the list. Besides, franchises stars are invited to give an interview to their fans, for autograph and pics sessions.

Bring your mates or a significant other with you, for the good adventure is the one that is shared. Better buy tickets as soon as possible!

Mysterious Rome

The world knows many places where unexplainable, bizarre things are constantly happening. The most popular ones are houses with bad reputations, murder, and suicide locations. Houses erected on Indian burial grounds tend to have a bad reputation as well. 

Then, there were the stories we whispered before going to bed in summer camps. They do exist in our minds, even if we consider ourselves agnostic. 

As soon as the light turns off and the strange rattle from a nearby corner of your room appears, you unconsciously hope that you’re alone.

We may not believe it – but we don’t want to find out either. It is an ancient, rudimentary fear. Yet, those are, mostly, just stories. 

But something more chilling comes to mind when visiting Rome. 

 Experts, or as they like to call themselves, ghost-hunters and diggers, know that nothing compares to places that are quite literally stuffed with people that’s been long gone. Catacombs of Rome is one of those that makes your blood run cold. 

That’s what you’ll see once you’re in a catacomb. 

Catacombs of Rome

It’s a Capuchin Crypt, the first one we’ll tell you about.

Here are the bones of 3,700 of its monks that are displayed. Everywhere you look, you find bones framing the curly edges of the vaults. Those are tributes to the dead. Once on your site – this place never leaves you. For us, it’s a warning that life’s impermanence. 

Beneath the chapels, Fr. Michael of Bergamo arranged for the soil to be from Jerusalem, as Pope Urban VIII ordered to bring it here. That said, there are six rooms of bones in total, and five of them with bones displayed artistically. One room contains three skeletons. That is the only room where remains are in their entirety. Some of them belong to children with the quote below:

“What you are now,
we once were;
what we are now
you shall be.”

The second place is called Le Catacombe di San Callisto.

Back in the day, Christians suffered from persecution. That is, before Emperor Constantine, they had to escape underground. Back in the day, Rome’s Christians buried their relatives only if they had their land. The alternative was the common cemeteries, along with the pagans. Then catacombs became a common practice as the Romans began to build the surrounding family tombs for their brethren in faith. That’s similar to the San Callisto story.  

90 arcs and 12 miles it is. 70 feet high ceilings – half a million bodies remain here. 

Those were the locations any tourist could visit. Apart from that, Rome has its secret catacombs, hidden from plain sight. Now, visiting them without a guide that knows the location well is a horrible idea if you’re planning on going up to the surface again.

Those catacombs are much more dangerous, for their passes had not been marked anywhere. There are no maps, nor guiding sights on the walls. 

Then, as we’ve clarified that going to such places isn’t a clever step, even if you’re practicing extreme tourism, let’s see what else Rome has to offer.

The Haunted Roman Heart

Roman Colosseum is considered one of the most haunted places in Italy. Strangely, that’s not that obvious when you’re wandering there in daylight, just getting the perspective of what an ancient amphitheater used to be. But as soon as night comes, the location mimics something else. 

When you think about it, it actually makes so much sense, taking into consideration that thousands of gladiators had been dying here, whether fighting each other or trying to hunt exotic animals. 

Paranormal activity is said to be seen there, along with cold spots, strange noises, voices, and even shadow figures. According to legend, the Roman guard has been fulfilling his duty to this day. The crowd cheering voices reported bouncing from one wall to another, shouting and even severe suffering screaming and wailing. 

Here, in the heart of Rome itself, you’ll find an easier way to experience something curious. More legitimate, accessible, and, perhaps, safer, as soon as the ghost world doesn’t drag you away.

Cinco De Mayo, An Annual Mexican Holiday Celebrated Far Beyond The Country’s Border

Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday also known as Anniversary of the Battle of Puebla, which commemorates a military victory of the Mexican army over French forces of Napoleon III back in 1862. Surprisingly, this festivity is not as much celebrated in Mexico itself as it is in the United States, where it has evolved into honoring Mexican culture and heritage over the years. The reason it gained traction in the U.S. is because of the country’s partial involvement in this historical event mentioned above and also due to the growing Hispanic population in the country, to whom this holiday became an opportunity to reconnect with their roots.  

If in the U.S., Cinco de Mayo means tacos, margaritas and fiesta, in Mexico this day is celebrated mostly in the state of Puebla with an impressive military parade, reenactments of the 1862 battle, music and dances. 

Cinco de Mayo History background

It was the times when Mexico was economically struggling for it was unable to repay its foreign debts to some european countries. As a response, France alongside with Britain and Spain sent naval forces to Veracruz, the country’s largest port city, demanding repayment. Later though, Mexico negotiated with Britain and Spain, who then withdrew their forces. But not Napoleon III, who was determined to build an empire there.   

Late in 1861 a well-armed French fleet invaded Mexico by taking the country’s main port of Veracruz and forcing Mexican Army to retreat into northern Mexico.  

On May 5th, 1862, certain of further victory, the French forces of 6,000 troops focused their attention on the city of Pueba de Los Angeles, a small town in east-central Mexico. Meanwhile, Mexican President Benito Juarez managed to bring together a group of 2,000 loyal men to fight back, many of them were indigenous Mexicans or of mixed ancestry. 

The Puebla battle lasted from daybreak to early evening. The vastly outnumbered and poorly supplied, Mexicans defeated French troops.  

Napoleon’s III forces had lost an estimated 500 to 1000 soldiers, while the casualties among Mexicans made up less than a hundred people. 

Unfortunately, this victory didn’t stop French forces from proceeding further with the invasion and taking control of Mexico city in 1864 but it represented a great symbolic win for Mexican people, which later added to the resistance. French left the country five years later, in 1867, thanks in part to the United States, which sent its troops to aid its besieged neighbor. 

How and where is Cinco de Mayo celebrated these days

In Mexico, the main Cinco de Mayo celebration site is in Puebla, where the historical events took place. People dress up as French and Mexican soldiers of that time to reenact the Historical events. Brightly colored parade fills up the streets of the city accompanied with musicians and dancers. Spectacular performances by the indigenous communities are also a part of the show. And what a Mexican celebration without pinatas? The festivities aren’t nationwide though, it’s not even a national holiday, so for the other people in Mexico, May the 5th is just a regular day. 

While Cinco de Mayo is not a nationwide holiday in Mexico, in the U.S. though it holds coast-to-coast celebrations, honoring Mexican culture and heritage, especially so in areas with a strong presence of Mexican-American community, in such cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver and San Antonio. It is commemorated with parades, parties, Mexican traditional music and food. 

The United Arab Emirates Government Has Changed The Entry And Residence Rules

The UAE is considered one of the most popular countries amongtourists and immigrants: more than 80% of the population isforeign-born. As the question of residence and visiting is alwaysactual for the United Arab Emirates, the rules for entry are amendedconstantly. Here are the most important and interesting paragraphsfrom the new regulation: 

– A tourist multi-entry visa for five years was announced. It requires its owner to have more than 4,000 USD in their bank accountand provide proof. 

– Business-entry visas do not require a sponsor anymore, becausethe UAE wants to attract more funders and businessmen. 

– Visitors who come for temporary work do not need a sponsor either, if they have one of the skill levels required by the special department. They also should provide proof of their bachelor’s degree or counter-value (holders of this visa are not allowed to have a lower educational level). 

The other requirements mostly address the residents or the immigrants. Thus, it means that the government of the United Arab Emirates is reconsidering their entry politics and, perhaps, new announcements are to be made soon.

Dream Job In Antarctica: Count Penguins To Run The Post Office

Among the other job offers, this one is definitely one of a kind—where else will you be paid for counting penguins? The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust, a famous charity and a member of the Antarctic Heritage Trust, is looking for an employee in the furthest postal office in the world. There are many vacancies open at the moment because new staff members are already being hired for the next season. Counting penguins, without a doubt, is one of the most special jobs on the list because this profession does not exist anywhere in the world but here. A successful candidate will be required to protect penguins, take care of them, and, of course, count them on a daily basis as a part of the penguin colony conservation in Gentoo. These criteria are essential for taking proper care of penguins. To get the job, you should be physically trained, learn about the environment in the place where you are going to work, and, most importantly, love penguins!