The Results Of The First 3D Virtual Expo In Japan Have Been Released

On March 16, the Japan National Tourism Organization, or JNTO, was hosting an online conference dedicated to changes and developments in the tourism industry in Japan. After the conference, the results of the event were released, and the Japan National Tourism Organization celebrated a successful start.

I’d like to offer a heartfelt thank you to everyone that joined us for the Japan 3D Virtual Travel Expo. We were honoured to welcome the 534 Canadian travel industry professionals who registered to join our suppliers and partners at the event.

Ken Toyoda

an executive organizer

He also noticed that tourists from Canada have expressed a high interest in exploring some specific spheres of Japanese culture. The list of their expectations and favourites for the next time includes national cuisine, culture, and landmarks. More than 10 exhibitors took part in the EXPO. They were presenting national food, souvenirs made in Japan, and many more. 

The event’s main goal was to introduce Japanese culture to Canada’s multicultural population in a new format—virtual space.

Royal Windsor Horse Show In UK

The Royal Windsor Horse Show is a world-renowed event for all those who belong to the equestrian world, either as sportsmen, judges, or enthusiasts. Unlike other equestrian shows in the United Kingdom, the Royal Windsor Horse Show is the only one where competitors take part in four kinds of competitions: carriage driving, endurance riding, dressage, and show jumping. Some other shows are available for visiting during the festival: all guests can find their own piece of cake.


When the event was first staged in 1943, its main purpose was to raise money to sponsor the government in terms of the war.The country was in need to pay for weapons and vehicles for the army. At the very first Royal Windsor Horse Show, almost four hundred thousand pounds were raised.

One interesting fact is that, initially, horses were not the only animals in the show. Dogs were also participating, though their best hour did not last long. In 1943, one of the dogs brazenly stole a chicken bite from King George, and he restrained dogs from participating in the show.

The British Royal Family is a staunch contributor to the Royal Windsor Horse Show. The event is developed every year; for now, it offers a wide range of equestrian sports represented. At the moment, there are no rivals in terms of the magnitude of the show: for all these years, the Royal Windsor Horse Show has been remaining the main equestrian event in the world.

Main Disciplines

Athletes perform in four disciplines:

  • Endurance

In this discipline, horses and riders are tested for their level of resilience. Every contestant needs to overcome a route and come to the finish earlier than others. Horse riders are sent maps in advance of the day of competition, and their task is to study them and find the quickest route from the start to the finish.

  • Show jumping

In this competition, everyone goes one by one in their own time—the results of the participants are compared in the end to identify the winner. Riders need to jump accurately over the various heights of the fences and not take down any of them in process. Accuracy and speed are the most important qualities of a successful rider.

  • Showing

In the contests listed above, horses compete in terms of their physical alertness; this one is slightly different. Horses are compared by their breed, or class, or type. The best representative receives a special award.

  • Driving

Unlike the other three equestrian contests, driving horses is also one of the most important driving events in the UK and a part of the FEI World Cup (it is a qualifier for the contestants). In the Driven Dressage, participants must perform a set series of movements in a carriage drawn by horses. The next stage is The Marathon Stage: here, horse riders should overcome the constraints on speed, competing with each other. The last of the disciplines is the Cone Driving, which requires contestants to show coherent teamwork when driving through the cones. The distance between these cones is very narrow, which makes it very hard to drive between them.

Other Highlights

The four central disciplines are, no doubt, a must-see for all the guests of the event. However, there are several alternatives to choose from if you want to see something else:

  • The Musical Ride

Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment of the British Army usually participates in massive ceremonies; their task at the Royal Windsor Horse Show is the same. Dressed in a ceremonial parade uniform and holding the spades against the background of the British flag, they gallop at high speed to the sound of solemn music.

  • The Shetland Pony Grand National

One contest that is not a part of the major disciplines is the Shetland Pony Grand National – show jumping, but with children-contestants on their ponies. They need to jump over little fences, just like adults, and the quickest of them becomes a winner.

  • The Dog Show

Hounds, which are a symbol of the UK since Arthur Conan Doyle published his famous The Hound of Baskervilles – a novel from the Sherlock Holmes series – are historic dogs that have an interesting pedigree (hounds exist for two thousand and a half years). At the Royal Windsor Horse Show, the finest of the hounds participate in a dog parade.


Of course, for the reason that the Royal Windsor Horse Show is one of the most prestigious events in the equestrian world, not everybody can take part as a contestant.

Those horses who are allowed to participate in the event need to visit the veterinarian and anti-doping commission before the beginning of the show. They must also have all the needed equipment. Ponies, moreover, must fit the pony measurements in terms of their personal characteristics.

The owners of the horses should take anti-doping tests as well. There is a minimum entry age for every category.


The show will be taking place from May 12th to May 15th, 2022. Contests and other events will be held in several horse arenas in Windsor Home Park, administered by the Crown Estate in Windsor, United Kingdom.

Hardcore Icelandic Cuisine

Today we visit Iceland.

After wandering through the harsh, frosty landscapes of ice, stones, foggy cliffs, and misty emerald mountains, we finally sit down at the table to pump our stomachs. We take a short glance at the menu in a local pub, expecting a good-old rustic meal, perhaps, different from European cuisine, yet then…

We find ourselves in need of some courage, as the names on the menu do not say anything to us, and the ingredients seem to be rather odd.

It is neither diverse nor rich. It is not the most favourable climate to cultivate crops and not the most fertile land either. Therefore, fish and meat are what help the economy going.

Yet, Icelanders have been surviving here and adapting to this reality. Improvise, adapt, overcome – that’s the motto. The cuisine has this sort of rule – once the meat is not mooing or maaing any more, every piece of its carcass goes into a boiling pot. Nothing goes to waste.

It is not that they have such a thing as food waste at all.

Now, let’s take a closer look.


As we are starting from rotten shark meat, you better hold your nose. For it contains urea while fresh, Icelanders came up with an idea – let’s leave the beast meat be for a little while, hanging out outside on air for 3-4 months. Or let’s even give it a good air-out for about six months. Uhm… Yum?!

Locals do love this dish, which may not be necessarily said for the ones they serve to tourists as a challenge. Yet, they too need something like Brennivín (distilled potato schnapps with caraway) to wash it down. Not sure if this even helps.  


Now, that’s something that actually makes your stomach growl if you eat fish. Icelanders know the tricks! Here’s how it’s done:

Obtain two fish pieces and then wash them in very salty water. The inventors initially rinsed the fish by diving it into the ocean. 

They neither clean it nor skin it – cook it as is. 

Then, the fish is hung outside on a wooden plank in the open air. Traditionally, It is placed near the sea coast, by the beach. When doing it that classic, hard-core way, be sure to scare away animals and birds. They would not mind having a shared snack. 

Better done at the beginning of spring or autumn for it not to be rotten but be specifically dry-out.

After two months, the skin exfoliates, and the meat is slightly yellow. That’s exactly how it should look, but then comes an interesting part. One must beat up meat till almost white and soft. The dish is served with large chunks of butter to soften the salt.  


Now, be prepared for the worse – as the Atlantic puffin is a common bird to cook. 

Yes, those are cute little soul-looking eyes creatures. The isle has lots of them, just like Europe has pigeons or sparrows.

Their lovely little faces and adorable yellow feet are not saving them from being on the plates. 

There are two ways of cooking their hearts: baking, stewing, and even raw. Their meat is also usually grilled or smoked and served with berry sauce.


A sheep’s head. That’s right, simply that – a sheep’s head with its brains removed and that’s it – even teeth stay in place. 

Eat it whole, including its eyes. And other parts – cheeks and tongue, considered to be yummiest. 

That is not even an end of the list. It’s just the author of the article who wants to have a lunch break today.

Something ordinary, perhaps. 

But for now, if you’re brave enough and already booking tickets…

– Welcome to Iceland, a place where the traditional cuisine shall turn you into a Viking.

Please, Do Not Smoke The Exhibits! Cannabis Museum

Please, Do Not Smoke The Exhibits! Cannabis Museum

Tvrtko Kracun, the new Croatia museum’s owner, claims that it’s not intentional that the museum is facing the police department. 

If you think that is the funny part of it, wait till you know that in that country, it is only legal for medical purposes and that ministers of interior, health, and agriculture departments may visit the museum for free. 

The museum’s owner is sure that cannabis had a dramatic influence on the World’s society’s entire history. First appeared in Asia 10,000 years ago, it is now common to see at every music festival. 

The US Has Published The Rating Of The Most Eco-Friendly States

Timed to Earth Day, April 22, the list of the US states most favourable to ecology and health was published by Wallethub, an American personal finance website. Wallethub has compared states by the quality of their environmental characteristics, inputs into stabilization of the climate, and eco-friendly actions taken by the governmental structures of the different states. Each state was given a relevant number of points for fulfilling or not fulfilling each of thecriteria. Vermont and New York are ranked 1st and 2nd, respectively, in the ratings. Vermont, as the greenest location in the US, has a good amount of energy intake and is the best state in terms of actions towards ecological recovery. Another state in the top three and runner-up is New York; it also has low energy consumption and some of the best qualified soil. Wallethub has also made a list of the least green states. Arkansas and Texas are two of the most polluted places where the government is facing different problematic factors that damage the ecology and are expecting difficulties in overcoming this critical situation.