Orchestral Glasgow ‍

Orchestral Glasgow ‍

Celtic music is loved by many. When we think about Scotland, Ireland, and Wales music, we remember the good old folk that sinks into the soul of everyone who has heard it. 

However, soon there will be three exciting orchestrated concerts in Glasgow that are quite different from each other, however, everyone would find something to their liking.

‘Tales of the Tribe: Songs for Scotland’s Mythical Creatures’ 

at The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall 

on Thursday, May 12th!

Phil Cunningham, Julie Fowlis, John McCusker, Michael McGoldrick

Music by
Tommy Smith

Those are the Scottish myths travelled by word of mouth for generations. Those are that still both frighten and fascinate us till modern days. These are to be implemented in orchestral music to scare the listeners of the concert in Glasgow to goosebumps.  

Scottish myths are the true embodiment of its culture and history, to touch which is an extraordinary, unforgettable journey through the centuries. The ghosts will stay with you even when you leave the concert hall.

Check if there are any monsters under your bed before going to sleep. Or better – chop off its legs to be sure.  

The spirit, wild, mythical world seeps into our lives through music for a while and becomes real.

BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra: Dausgaard Conducts Nielsen – Symphony No.2.

City Halls Candleriggs, Glasgow City Centre G1 1N

12th May 2022

Béla Bartók is a Hungarian composer whose first performance took place in Budapest at the Opera House, on May 12, 1917. He was the one who created the ballet “The Wooden Prince”, which is going to be led by the Chief Conductor Thomas Dausgaard in City Halls in Glasgow, on 12th May.

This ballet uses the motifs of a folk tale. 

Briefly about the plot: 
Once upon a time, a Prince fell in love with the princess the minute he saw her. Permanently, madly he adored her, yet she had barely noticed him and went to her tiny castle on a green hill.

Devastated, the prince made a doll out of everything he had: his gorgeous cloak, his crown, and even his golden curls that he had to chop off. Remaining unsightly himself, he gave the doll to the princess, who loved it very much. 

Having remained shorn, without his delightful cloak and crown, the prince looked like a ragamuffin and now seemed desperate to win someone else’s attention. The forest fairy took pity on him and told nature to make him new curls from thin silk threads.

Time has passed. The doll fell apart and became of no interest to the princess, and therefore she finally turned her gaze to the prince.  

But she fell in love with him too late. The prince remembered old grievances. Out of desperation, the princess cut off her beautiful hair as he once did. Seeing her desperation, the prince felt pity for her and, more importantly, felt love and tenderness. 

Having become what they were before, the prince and princess lived happily ever after. 

That story, narrated via orchestral music, shall touch hearts. 

Royal Scottish National Orchestra: The Music of Star Wars

Previously, we told you about May the 4th. 

You may read the article to learn why this day is so important for Star Wars fans and for the pop-culture as well. 

The force is still there as always, yet later, on May 7, there will be another event you can’t miss!  

Royal Scottish National Orchestra is going to play saga OSTs composed by John Williams.

7th May 2022

The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall
2 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow City Centre G2 3NY

Berlin Design Week

Berlin Design Week

As one character of the legendary Devil Wears Prada, played by Stanley Tucci, said,

That’s what this multi-billion dollar industry is all about anyway, isn’t it? Inner beauty. 

In these words, he has enclosed a very interesting side of design and fashion. Design is not only the outer sheath of something – it is the way people can express themselves.

Berlin Design Week is one of the most significant events in its industry. Held in the capital of Germany every year, Berlin Design Week is devoted to a new theme every time. At this event, actual trends and new concepts in design are presented. Those who pursue a career in design can establish communication with each other or share new projects with society.

2022: Higher Purpose

This is how the key theme of the Berlin Design Week sounds this year. How might one interpret this expression? As the organizers say, they want to discuss sustainability in the present and future. Which ethical and political factors influence a customer? How to minimize the waste of natural resources when producing them? Participants in the Design Week will present their solutions to these issues.

The main goal of Berlin Design Week, of course, is to provide a creative exchange between different platforms.


Berlin Design Week takes its origins in 2017. Participants of the Berlin Design Week are the representatives of the different industries of art. Apart from the exhibitions,you are free to attend workshops and discussions where people have the opportunity to share their minds and discuss current trends.

The festival is held every spring for 11 days. All companies, designers, cultural institutions, and other participants are invited to present their work to each other. Organizers invite up-and-coming creators to help themat the beginning of their career.

There are several key events, each analyzing design from a different perspective. They are held in various locations in Berlin on different dates. Some of the most awaited events are described below, just to give you a view of what Berlin Design Week is, but there are many more places worth visiting.

Some must-see events of Berlin Design Week 2022


An exhibition that considers design as a cultural property. An event for those who love art.

This one-of-a-kind exhibition is called “STANDING.” It will be open to visitors for the last five days of the festival. This exhibition will be curated by cultural manager and network communication designer Alexandra Klatt. The main idea of the exhibition is that design massively influences the spirit of our time.

Iconic design items, which will be represented in the exhibition, are a metaphor for global materialization. Nowadays, artists are interested in the global identity that everything in the world has. The only thing in common among these objects of design is the desire of their creators to invent something new and translate their opinions on those dilemmas in the world that can’t leave them indifferent.

Where to go: Alhambra Berlin, Berlin, Germany, from 18.05 to 22.05.


Presentations, talks, and tours for visitors where designers can present their works and make contacts. This event is for people who prefer live performances and seminars.

Meet studios from different cities, each working on unique projects. Some world-famous headliners were already announced.

One of them is Yrurari from Iceland. At the festival, she will be handling playful classes on second-hand clothes. She will also be sharing her techniques, secrets of her approach and chatting with all who would like to. To meet Yrurari, come to Artspace Bethany on the evening of May 12.

Another announced event is the Workspace Design & Talk event at LINDEMANN GmbH & Co. KG. This is a large showroom where more than 50 brands will present their work devoted to office design. You will see almost fifty inspiring decorations for the offices. You can attend discussions on branding and product design. Excursions, snacks, and drinks are also a part of the cultural program. This event will take place on May 12 and 13, in the evening.

Where to go: Berlin, locations are different for every studio and event, so you better clarify it in advance. The whole event will be open from May 12 to May 13.


Temporary showrooms. An event for talented artists and a target audience.

This is an opportunity for designers and craftsmen to present their products. Those who are interested can buy them after the exhibition. Designers can use Design Pool as a promotional platform to make new connections and promote their crafts. Visitors who want just to enjoy the exhibits or purchase them are welcome too.

Where to go: Living Berlin, Germany, from 19th to 21th of May.

The other studios and the locations, where you can find the participants of the festival, are available online.


Speakers and partners of the Berlin Design Week

All the announced speakers belong to the design industry, and there are more people to join them. More than ten famous companies are sponsoring Berlin Design Week.

Further details

Berlin Design Week will start on May 12th and finish on May 22nd. Check the time and location beforehand to make sure you will get to the events that attract you the most, because they will be held in different locations of Berlin. Some of the events will also be available online.

Mike Tyson Fight On Flight

Mike Tyson Fight On Flight

Recently, we talked about aerophobia and tried to get distracted from the outside window by watching films. An editor’s 7-top choices are here for you to pick. 

Things do not always go according to plan, do they? Stepping on board, you find your seat, but the devil’s in details. The devil, actually, may sit right beside you. When it’s your seatmate – you never know what you gonna get. 

That is exactly what happened with one unlucky gentleman before taking off the flight from San Francisco International Airport to Florida and Mike Tyson! 

A world boxing champion seemed to be bothered by a young man too much, so he lost his temper and punched him several times. Tyson called a guy “extremely intoxicated”, and was reported leaving the plane after the accident.

We do not encourage violence in any form, but we also advise you not to get drunk until the plane has landed at the final destination.

Rochester Sweeps Festival

Rochester Sweeps Festival

We tend to ignore those who look after our comfort every day. 

Employees who clean up our office, our homes – they are almost never noticeable, remain in the shadows, and the order imposed by them seems to appear by itself. 

So are the chimney sweeps, whose work is still essential in England. 

They appear in the night, those mysterious people of an ancient profession.

It is one of the most respected professions in England, for, even though the central heating system appeared a long time ago and made life much easier, there are a lot of old houses in need of such care. 

Initially, the chimney sweeps in England were children. Who else can get into a narrow chimney except for a small kid? 

That said, the chimney sweeps were children about four years old, who were often abducted for this work and poorly fed so that they would not gain weight. 

During that time, no one knew about the consequences. However, these children often fell ill with cancer due to constant contact with soot.

Only every Sunday, May 1, could they take a break from their hard work and spend time the way they wanted – having fun, playing – living their childhood.

Since then, people celebrate this event on May 1. Chimney sweeps are treated with respect and care, not because only their labour was hard. It is also for children who were forced to do it.

Elizabeth Montagu was one of those who stood up for the climbing boys’ rights, along with Jonas Hanway, who campaigned against it in the 18th century. 

Liberation from difficult working conditions was not easy for children. For many years there were court proceedings, and in 1856 The Climbing Boy’s Advocate was published, which opened with a verse by James Montgomery:

Who loves the Climbing Boy? Who cares
If well or ill I be?
Is there a living soul that shares
A thought or wish with me?
Yet not for wealth and ease I sigh,
All are not rich and great;
Many may be as poor as I,
But none so desolate.

William Blake had also written a poem dedicated to those kids, and here’s a sample:

Songs of Innocence. The Chimney Sweeper

When my mother died I was very young,
And my father sold me while yet my tongue
Could scarcely cry “weep! ‘weep! ‘weep!’
So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.

The sad story behind this festival teaches us to care, be emphatic, and be thankful for the hard labour that some of us do. 

So, how is this celebrated? It’s a lot there to tell. 

 ‘the ludicrous caperings of the sooty tribe, who fantastically attire themselves on such occasions, with their faces smeared with brick-dust, by way of paint, and with gilt and colored paper ornaments in profusion’ (Sussex Advertiser 14 May 1827)

There is a reason for this day to be celebrated in Rochester. Here is one of the oldest castles with the tallest chimney, which is itself a symbol. For four hundred years, Rochester had been celebrating this day until the festival was closed. However, an English businessman who honoured English traditions had not let the traditional holiday, which has become part of the culture, sink into oblivion. 

In 1981, the day became Chimney Sweeps’ Day again. 

Every year the folk gather in a huge procession. Everyone is dressed in obnoxious costumes, often deliberately smeared with soot on their faces and clothes. 

People gather together and play musical instruments, sing, and it is all leads to local pubs where they drink till morning.

Balloon & Wine Festival In Temecula Valley

Balloon & Wine Festival In Temecula Valley

As somebody once said, “a good year’s beginning makes the whole year good. Perhaps, these words inspired residents of California to come up with the Balloon & Wine Festival. Of course, the new year begins in January – yet summer is a season of wine and festivals.

The history of the festival

The Temecula Valley Balloon and Wine Festival, also known as the Rancho California Balloon and Wine Festival, was invented in 1983 by Evelyn Harker and Walt Darren. Harker’s main tasks were mainly organizing events for the participants in the war and raising funds for those who needed financial help. Darren was a pilot for commercial flights and air balloons. Together, they have requested contributions from local sponsors and Kaiser Development Company that was focusing on land deals.

The festival has been in demand from the very beginning and is gaining momentum with every new year. Almost half of the city’s residents attended the first Balloon& Wine Festival. At the festival, they were enjoying the wine from the local wineries (there were six of them functioning at the moment) and looking at the hot air balloons launched into the sky. The festival was developed progressively: music was added and became an essential component of the event, and many more forms of entertainment were included in the program, as well as music.

For all the 39 years it has existed and until our days,the Balloon & Wine Festival remains an event of great importance to the local economy and city life. Funds raised at a festival are donated to the army and schools.

Launch of balloons

At the moment, the program of the festival for this year remains secret. Nevertheless, some events, which are traditionally held yearly, were announced.

Morning Balloon Rides

For the reason that the balloon is the central part of the festival, there are many things to do for those who come to experience the balloon flight. One of them is Morning Balloon Rides. If you go for it, be prepared to become speechless for a while: the view of Temecula Valley and Lake Skinner from above will take your breath away, as will the magic sight of other air balloons in the sky. It definitely has some vibes of Cappadocia Hot Air Ballooning, but the festival in Temecula Valley lasts only for a single weekend. You can watch the rides from the ground, or reserve your place in the air balloon – whatever suits you the most.

Balloon Glow

This is another source of inspiration for those who come to Cappadocia for the scenery — the difference is that Balloon Glow takes place at night, and everything looks different. Illuminated air balloons rise up above and float in the night sky. The lightning effects used for this show are coloring the sky, making the air balloons seem a bit like firework flares. 

Other events

Of course, the cultural program is not limited by the launch of balloons. As the name of the festival says, it is also “a wine festival,” and there is much more that can be done by the guests of the get-together:

Wine and beer degustation

More than 15 wineries and almost 10 breweries will take part in the contest, where the visitors will be offered to choose the best one. Different makers from the USA will present their products—drinks for every taste will be available.

Concerts and music shows

One of the main intrigues is the musical program, which is kept secret at the moment – it will be announced closer to the festival. Back in the days, such musicians as Third Eye Blind, Gin Blossoms, and Justin Moore were performing.


The organisers of the Balloon & Wine Festival received several awards in recent years. They include:

Hermes Creative Awards (Gold)

An award for messengers of the information revolution.

MarCom Awards (Gold)

A gold award for excellence in marketing and communication.

International Festivals and Events Association (Silver)

An honor given to festival and event producers and managers.


Further details

If you decide to attend the festival, book your tickets in advance – the Balloon and Wine Festival is always in high demand. It will be held from June 3rd to June 5th this year at Lake Skinner Regional Park, California, US.