A worldwide known comedian and actor, Kevin Hart, has been announced as Yas Island’s first Chief Officer. The stand-up star is meant to help to promote this travel destination by participating in different events and activities and creating social media content to spread the word about this action-packed place.
For those who didn’t know, Yas Island is Abu Dhabi’s one of the top tourism projects. Occupying a total of 25 square kilometers, the island is to be the world’s top travel destination. Yas Island is a home to exhilarating theme parks and water rides as well as the world-class Ferrari Abu Dhabi racetrack.
The announcement of Kevin Hart taking up a role as the Island’s ambassador came alongside with a promotional video, that the stand-up star has posted on his Instagram account, saying how he will “Hartify” the “world’s most entertaining island”.
“There goes Yas Island’s first Chief Island Officer in a white Ferrari thinking he’s a big deal. Guess what, this is a big deal. Guess what, this is a big deal,” the star’s voice can be heard in the opening scene of a promo clip. The video follows a caption that reads:
“Breaking news people. I got a new gig. You’re looking at Yas Island Abu Dhabi’s first ever Chief Island Officer!!! And I can assure you, I’ve been giving it 100% hart cause you know how I do…”
This whole promotional campaign is a part of Island’s effort to be put on a map and become a must-see tourist destination. At the same time, the Yas Island became a part of the international trade show, The Arabian Travel Market 2022, which took place in Dubai earlier this month.
Last summer, Kevin Hart gave a hint of what’s coming, when he shared a clip revealing that Yas Island would be his next holiday destination.
I don’t just go hard, I go Hart! Work, sports… Even vacations. We’re off to the UAE’s spectacular capital, Abu Dhabi, to take over the world’s craziest entertainment destination, Yas Island Abu Dhabi. World-class golf course, Ferrari rollercoasters, a gazillion water slides and superheroes. How cool is that? There’s even a Grand Prix racetrack for us to take on! Yas Island Abu Dhabi… Get ready to go Hart! Who knows, I may as well take on a job there for a while.