When In Rome – Do As The Romans Do

Published on July 19, 2022

Today, the whole world is open for us to visit. We lived through the pandemic, and even though it is not over yet, it is the time we finally get back to seeing other countries, cultures, people, and experiences. With that being said, there are some things we should always be keeping in mind when going outside our door. 

Being outside your comfort zone always means changes, but not only towards ourselves, but for others, too. When deciding to contact with other cultures, we usually think only about our own feelings, not about preparing ourselves for the world. It is changing time zones, being jet-lagged, changing our food habits, caring about what’s left behind. We methodically plan our trips and places to visit, schedule time that we want to spend, calculate the budget – and, sometimes, it takes mounts to do all that. 

But what if we not only raised questions about our own comfort, but about the other’s comfort, too? What if we presented our commitment, appreciation and willingness to be, simply, humane? Taking hospitality for granted only speaks volumes about one’s ignorance. Though, the 21st century is the high time we put aside our arrogance and prejudice, and then, maybe, a world would be a better place. 

So let’s collect a smattering of what can be done about it.

Your native language is everywhere you go. Handy, isn’t it? Yet, hold your horses! 

Many people all around the globe have mastered English language for educational purposes. Others learning it every day to provide foreign tourists with better service. Sometimes, it is even a question of survival. 

Do appreciate that, do make a step toward, too. It is not that difficult nowadays to find a phrasebook and dictionary app and learn the basics. One doesn’t need to learn grammar, for instance, though it is appreciated and may broaden language horizons.

Just learn by heart simple things for your needs. Make mistakes, do not be afraid to pronounce something wrong – you get credit for trying. Besides, it may bring up friendly multicultural communication. 

Not only will it ease your life and the lives of others, but it also will describe you as a thoughtful, compassionate person in the eyes of natives.


While the world’s talking English, other languages are being excluded, ignored. In the long term, that’s how languages, actually, die-out. While people try to preserve their native language, the tourism agenda speaks out too quietly on the matter.

 Resist the temptation of picking the easier way. 

That is a small step for you, but reclaiming the language for others is the way of embracing their culture, history, and mentality. 

Speaking of throwing ourselves into other cultural environment, it is also worth mentioning the cultural appropriation issue. You may think everyone’s aware of it, but this is partly true.

 Pandemic separated countries, and now we should recheck our privileges and remind ourselves about solicitude towards those who are ready to welcome us again. 

Yet, we shall never stop constantly talking about those issues. For silence means forgetting, and forgetting means negligence. 

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