Travel Goes Meta – Is It the End of the Industry We Know?

Published on December 23, 2022


The current trend of going digital is capturing more and more industries — and the travel one does not remain to be an exception. All around the world businesses are adapting to the new reality where online tools and virtual services run the show. Even classical offline services, being currently largely popular, are looking towards the perspective of moving in the metaverse. The question is, though, what chances they have there. Metaverse started as a gaming feature; however, during the COVID-19 pandemic times, the world saw its potential in other spheres as well with numerous collaboration of digital with face-to-face services and offline products. Digital tourism has become a result of one of such integrations, coming as both beneficiary for customers all around the globe and easy for business to conduct and maintain. 

Metaverse brings plenty of perks to the travel industry, as Alexander Pershikov, the founder of — one of the world’s biggest travel experiences marketplaces, states. He is certain that metaverse is inclusive and launches a totally different project, attracting various people from both customer and investment sides. Think about it for yourself: metaverse eases traveling and makes it more affordable — you do not even need to leave your house to explore the prettiest sites in the world. It is convenient — no more long hours spent waiting for a plane or standing in long queues. Digital traveling is eco-friendly, as tourists use significantly less planes which reduces the carbon dioxide emission and other pollution. Last but not least, it is simply bizarre which makes more and more people crave for getting familiar with this themselves. The complete integration of the virtual and the real in tourism is still not complete, and the possible consequences of such a prospect stay unknown. One thing is for certain: this trend has already been set in motion, as we are already a part of the digital world.

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