Halley’s comet can be seen by a human once or twice in a lifetime, depending on luck. This comet is the only one that can be possibly observed by a single individual twice in life. It enters the solar system every 76 years.
In 2022, we can observe the Eta Aquarids meteor shower, coming from Halley’s comet. The meteor shower is a more frequent event than the fall of Halley’s comet. This year is a nice time to look at the meteor shower because the moon will be in one of its crescent phases. To see Eta Aquarids, you don’t need any special tools like a telescope. Just find a place away from light pollution and settle above trees, tall buildings, and anything else that can block your view of the meteor shower.
The Eta Aquarids meteor shower can be observed every year between April 19th and May 28th. The best days to see it are May 5th and 6th, when the Eta Aquarids will be at their peak.