In the summer, watersides are in great demand in most countries in the world. Water is a nice rescue for people from the hot and sweltering regions. With that in mind, the International Travel Daily News ( has listed the most popular lakeside towns. The absolute leader of the chart is Italy: 6 out of 10 points in the list, beginning from the opening one (Bolsena), are included in the ratings. All the other countries –France, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary – occupy one line each. Lakes were compared by the following factors: water temperature, surface temperature, sunshine, et cetera. They were rated on a scale from zero to 100, which makes it easy to look at the percentage.
First Timers Guide to Paris
The place where rebels of roaring twenties went to find thrills. The city of everlasting romance written by poets and carved by the architects. The site where history seems to be dwelling at every corner as if you are to turn right or left and bump into a...