The sacrament, opening the portal to the world of spirit, used as a great sacred medicine by Amazon shamans for millennia. Today, many people have an opportunity to receive treatment from an authentic curandero and visit healing rituals deep in the forests of Peru.
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Mother of all medicines
Ayahuasca is a brew of the self-titled vine, first discovered by South American indigenous peoples and named the vine of the Souls. Preparing this decoction includes a combination of vine with chacruna leaves and also roots, flowers, fruits, and seeds of other plants whose quantity can exceed a score. The dosage and composition of admixture plants is appropriate for each individual’s needs and adjusted by shamans thanks to their ability to dive into invisible patterns of being to contact the subtle energies affecting the mental and physical health of the person.

According to many studies carried out by the leading European and American laboratorys over the last two decades, this ancestral Amazonian complex healing agent, if used correctly, is effective in treating depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and other mental health disorders.
The spirit of Ayahuasca droves us how to restore harmony and happiness that are the basis of our true nature. It empowers and inspires us with vision and wisdom, motivating profound changes in our lives. The healing power of this ancient remedy helps to remove psychosomatic blockages and restore our energy, unbalanced by anxiety, stress and, toxins.
Ayahuasca rituals
The Ayahuasca ceremony is not where we would decide to stop by just passing by, not like the first party we find for the evening on vacation. It requires an absolute understanding of purpose and meaning. Taking this sacred elixir should be with highest consideration to the spirit of Ayahuasca and with sufficient intention to transform certain phases of one’s personality. The wisdom of Ayahuasca once absorbed, becomes a part of our essence forever.
The heart of the ceremony takes place in total darkness, with special songs called «icaros» to summon the spirits’ allies. When the limits of our present consciousness dissolve in an ecstatic vision, the shaman can see the psycho-energy state of everyone taking part and guide their journeys. He transmits the energies, helping guests surrender to the process and explore and handle their emotions and feelings. In the end, he checks on the participants individually. Furthermore, the team takes care of the meeting’s comfort and safety during the ritual. Everything aims at providing them with a favorable passage of an exotic therapy that continues in daily life, communicating through the subconscious and dreams.

How many participants?
Ceremonies are usually arranged for a small group of eight to twelve people. It’s also possible to work privately with a healer. But whichever option you choose, experts will always guide you throughout the entire process for your optimal focusing to get the deepest cure. And frequently, besides the shaman, there is a team of coordinators trained in western psycho methods and shamanic plant healing, who help to coach you throughout the entire process, as well as integration sessions where everyone can reflect on their experience with other guests.
How long is the retreat?
Four days to three months, depending on the receiving center and your individual preferences. Some programs entail a few weeks of remote training before the healing journey and a few weeks after for best assimilation.
Other options
Special offers commonly complement a majority of the immersive praxis with native shamans to enrich your experience even more and to entrench the positive influence of the sacred plants.
So, you may combine your ayahuasca journey with various consciousness elevating modalities such as meditation or yoga. Most venues typically provision the manifold care possible during your stay, such as a massage, flower baths, specific vapor and smoke ones to remove heavy energies, or inhalant procedures.
You can also find some specialists in the therapeutic use of plant-based medicine for treatments with sacred herbs. The result of the journey may be as the maestros’ advice and other experts in plant-based diets, who will prescribe your individual nutrition plan. Many of the retreat’s programs are designed at the junction between eastern and western approaches to help better adaptation of traditional Amazon practices for further use in the “concrete jungle”.
Some plans include botanical walks with certified searchers for those who wish to learn more about the shamanic plants of Peru and sense a closer touch with their native land. At the same time, in other centers, guests can assist in the potion preparation process before the ceremony.
There could be a variety of educational activities available, such as classes on the arts, the Quechuan language, or American Indian history.And of course, you will become acquainted with the local culture along the way through the guided exploring of surrounding villages, hikes through the Inca trails, a magnificent rainforest or a boat ride to the Amazon River.
Important to know
Ayahuasca has contraindications with many prescription medications. That is why it is so important for those treating or with a drug addiction to make a discussion with the attending.