Norway’s biggest extreme music festival can rightly be considered a truly privileged opportunity to join the world’s most exclusive music community. This is without a doubt the most elegant way to celebrate Catholic Easter.
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14-17 April 2022
If you are looking for a brutal vacation, this is the place to go. The next four days will provide an unforgettable experience for those adventure seekers who really boast the nerves of steel. Or better say, of metal. The venue is in Oslo. Although not Black Metal’s homeland, this place put this style to a new media level in the early 90’s.

What Oslo was for Black Metal?
In short, this is where scandal-known Mayhem from, and where the legendary «Black Circle» was born. Local guys drove sound to a benchmark lo-fi quality and also generated many lifestyle attributes that have shaped Black Metal image in mass culture. Anti-social, anti-religious, and all sorts of «anti» ideals have grown stronger, inflaming the atmosphere for the new generation’s arousal.
«Lords of Chaos» – a provocative thriller showing the story of Mayhem. It’s not that it was a full conceptual-guide resource, but it is a worthwhile movie that perfectly captures the vibe of True Norwegian Black Metal.
What you really need to know about Black Metal
There’s one funny paradox: if black metalheads don’t burn churches and praise Satan, they are sell-outs and aren’t TRUE. If black metalheads burn churches and praise Satan, they are posers and aren’t TRUE. So, this just illustrates the eye of a needle you need to fit through to be TRUE.
The important thing to remember is that anyone can get a thick ear for anything because whatever it means is controversial. Of course, that is a figurative note, but it shows maybe the most demanding subculture ever.
Locations of April Bacchanalia
Traditionally, it’s Rockefeller Music Hall, one of Norway’s huge concert venues, hosting about 2000 people. Headliners will perform in the main hall:
Djerv, Cadaver, Kampfar, Ihsahn, Triumph of Death, Hamferd, Einherjer, Ved Buens Ende, Gorgoroth, Venom Dark Fortress, Asphyx, Vreid, Marduk, Mayhem, Whoredom Rife, Oranssi Pazuzu, Myrkskog, Kreator, and Taake.
Another venue is the John Dee bar in the lower and basement floors of the same complex, which may be suitable for 500 visitors. There will be play:
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber, Konvent, Sylvaine, Bølzer, Solbrud, Asagraum, The Great Old Ones, Benighted, Gnida, Xenoblight, Valkyrja, Tulus, Eridu, Nyrst, Dyscarnate and Order.
Clarion Hotel – the space for chilling and a 24-hour after-party for those who can’t limp their way to the live sets. The icing on the cake is the daily breakfasts at the local restaurant, normally looking like zombie apocalypse scenes. Isn’t that cute?
By the way, it’s worth noting that for those looking to spend their holidays at this festival, it is better to leave all the uncomfortable shoes at home. Rockefeller’s stairways climb steeply like ladders; they definitely won’t forgive you for high heels. And, better yet, come up there in a bathrobe – it’s going to be really hot around ex Market Street Bath these days.
Black Metal Museum
If you need to clear your head a little, you can visit Helvete, or in other words, the Black Metal Museum.
Helvete means «hell» in Norwegian. This music store was opened by Mayhem guitarist Euronymous in 1991. Helvete was also the headquarters of his record label, Deathlike Silence.
«Black Circle» parties took place in the basement of the house, they attracted store visitors, musicians, and fans hanging around. It wasn’t some “serious secret organization” at that time, although the charismatic commotion boss was a grandmaster of creating adrenaline-pumping speculation.
As another charismatic dude in the music industry said: “When you have to choose between the truth and the legend, choose the legend.” Euronymous successfully used this principle in all of his actions, sometimes just for fun, playing to the mob and drawing public attention. Sadly, he failed to assess the effect of those legends in time.
After a couple of years, the store closed. Twenty years later, it was revived by Fenriz of duo Darkthrone. Now you can purchase music on cassettes, CDs, and vinyl. Find lots of rare merchandise, and, of course, go down to the inner sanctum — the basement. The interior has been well-preserved in its original form: medieval arms, a black throne, a coffin with red velvet upholstered, posters on the walls – everything is in place, keeping the spirit of those unforgettable times. In short, it’s the most iconic black metal place in the world. As Oslo itself.