Forrest Gump, the cult fictional character created by Robert Zemeckis, has been running a marathon for three years straight. As the legendary jogger in the movie, he has inspired thousands of real people to use running as a form of emotional release. As he said,
From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running.
Running is not just a sport; it is a cult for athletes that helps them deal with their dilemmas and, basically, stay fit. In other words, this is the way of life. Global Running Day is the most uniting event for athletes and an international tribute to jogging. Taking place on June 1st, this event welcomes all those who would like to run or walk as a participant of the marathon.
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Before 2016, Global Running Day was known as National Running Day. It was established in 2009 in the United States as a running marathon and, in 2016, dedicated to the presidential inauguration. A year later, the event was supported by the International Association of Athletics Federation, which strengthened its public image and importance.
Global Running Day has no restrictions on the age, gender, race, or physical performance of participants – everyone is welcome.
In 2016, the total number of participants was 2.5 million people from all over the world (residents from 177 countries came to run a marathon). They had to run a distance of 9.2 miles.
The events of the marathon

Each running event requires a fee to enter the marathon. The price depends on the distance and type of the run. You can run alone or with other people, but either way, register your team before the day of the marathon.
The following events are the key events of Global Running Day in the USA. You don’t need to come to a specific state to participate in any kind of marathon, because none of them are connected to any specific locations.
This is the list of the running events you can participate in:
Running the distance of 5 kilometers
This distance will take approximately one hour to complete. At the end of the marathon, all the participants will receive a medal and a t-shirt as souvenirs.
A Virtual Race on 5 Kilometers
If you cannot come to Mansfield, the town in New York state where the marathon will be held, you can still run on Global Running Day. Register for a virtual race and run your miles wherever you are—even if you stay in another city or country.
Kids Race
Not only are adults allowed to participate in Global Running Day. Organizers also encourage children to try their best. For health considerations, this event lasts only half an hour. Before signing up your child for the race and registering yourself, consult your doctor and make sure that none of you have any contradictions towards running.
Some interesting facts

Olympic Games, World Championships – running is a component of both of these games. It is always in high demand because running is a watchable sport. Here are the most outstanding achievements in athletics:
Usain Bolt is the world’s number one male runner.
He ran the 100m in 9.58 seconds in 2009. He also won Olympic gold medals in the 100, 200, and 300 meters for three consecutive years.
Florence Griffith Joyner is the best female runner of all time.
In 1988, she set world records in the 100m and 200m. Her record of 10.49 seconds remains unbeaten.
The oldest marathon in the world is the Boston Marathon.
The longest-running marathon in the world was established on April 19, 1897, in Boston, Massachusetts. Its distance was more than 39km.
The highest start of the marathon was on the top of mount Everest.
First held on November 27th, 1987, it took runners many hours to overcome 5212 meters.
The deepest start, on the other hand, was the Crystal Mine Underground Marathon.
In 2002, athletes had to run in a salt mine 500m below sea level in Germany.
The coldest and hottest marathons in the world.
In 2001, runners had to compete in Omsk, Russia (-39 degrees Celcius). On the contrary, in 2011, runners were running in +55 degrees Celsius in the USA, between Death Valley and Mt. Whitney.
The largest and oldest ultramarathon is the Comrades Marathon in South Africa.
In 2015, over 23,000 people were participating in the Comrades Marathon, which has existed since May 24, 1921.
No matter where you are, take your chance and run like Forrest Gump! Celebrate Global Running Day on June 1st by becoming a champion!