GetExperience Platform Utilises Metaverse For Future Expansion 

Published on December 23, 2022

The idea of “metaverse” is just about to become the reality and revolutionize the way people experience traveling. Alexander Pershikov, who is a founder of — one of the world biggest travel experiences marketplaces — supposes that companies already need to incorporate the mechanisms of “metaverse” into their work. has already developed a new way of tackling customers’ needs based on a unique bidding engine which combines best offers for the client and then, using special AI algorithms, provide one with the best personalized choices. Pershikov is certain that by offering now both offline and online experiences, does not only appeal to the customers all around the world, but also intensifies efforts of other companies to involve the cutting-edge mechanisms of metaverse in their services and products.

Nowadays, the plans of incorporating metaverse technologies in different areas concern more business rather than the tourist sphere. Started as a feature of gaming development, metaverse is now provides businesses with solutions in many other industries by allowing brands to use online tools to ease the communication with the clients and enhance the level of services. Pershikov claims that such trends only reflect the current development of the world reality — and the question of full incorporation into the digital reality remains to be acute. 

Read the full article here

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