In Italy, in the foothills of the Piedmont Alps, there is the magical valley of Val Gisela. Here, in the mid-seventies, began the construction of the most incredible project — Damanhur.
The Federation of Damanhur is an eco society based upon ethical and spiritual values that recognize the great preciousness of human and cultural diversity. It was awarded by the United Nations in 2005 as a model of sustainable society. Damanhur is an example for the future, the seed of a culture of peace that could inspire change in the world’s economy and change in the world’s economic and social systems.
Damanhur was born to bring together the dreams of many people. To create something new, something never imagined before, something that this time could actually become reality. We need reality today, so it is necessary that dreams come true, so that they can allow us to carry on dreaming. Damanhurs philosophy is based on action; to do, to act, to believe in what you are doing, to give meaning to things.
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What does Damanhur include?
A thousand citizens of all ages and sixteen different nationalities, centers and embassies in Italy and around the world. 80 economic activities and services, all private companies, most structured as cooperatives and inspired by solidarity and ethical principles. Art and crafts workshops bringing back to life ancient arts and trays. A constitution, a complementary currency system, an open university, internal schools for boys and girls, and a temples complex dedicated to humanity.
People with strange names
In Damanhur, people use animal and plant names to affirm their desire for deep contact with nature. And also, it is a playful way to relate to one another. You may hear of combinations such as Butterfly Pineapple or Shrimp Wild Fennel.
People live in a community in large homes with communal spaces that they all share in their personal rooms. Each family includes people of different ages, couples, singles, couples with children. Life together in this way is very rich because they share diversity, experiences, and dreams.

Successful NGO
Damanhur was born as a social experiment. Today, it’s ever evolving model is studied by academic institutions and often portrayed by the media.
The Federation participates in many networks. The most important is Jen—the Global Eco-Village Network, an NGO recognized by the United Nations. There are many ways to participate in local projects as citizens or by coming to live in the valley, as people of different nationalities have chosen to do.
Temples of Humankind
Damanhur is internationally known for its Temples of Humankind. An underground work of art built by its citizens and dedicated to universal spirituality. To the union between human beings and divine forces.
The temples are three-dimensional book carved out of a mountain which tell the story of humanity from the past to the future through many forms of artistic expression.
Built completely by hand, the temples extend for thousands of square meters on different levels connected by miles of corridors.
The Temples are located at the most important energy center on our planet. Here, synchronic lines meet the energy rivers that link the earth to the cosmos, transporting thoughts, dreams, and ideas.
The Temples of Humankind symbolically represent the inner rooms of every human being, a profound journey of discovery to the inner self.
This is the labyrinth dedicated to the union and harmony of all the divine forces of humanity, of all times and all peoples. Each window is dedicated to a god or a goddess. On the walls of the central nave, the history of humanity is narrated from a primordial time of unity with the earth and the cosmos, through dark ages of suffering and wars, to a possible more balanced and awakened future.
In the temples, everything can be read like a book. Every color, every shape, every detail has a significance, following a precise code of form and proportion. The Hall of Water is dedicated to the feminine principle and the goddess. The Hall of Metals is linked to time and the connection between life and beyond. The Hall of Spheres is at the heart of the temples and the synchronic lines. The Hall of Mirrors is dedicated to light, the air, and the awakening of humankind as a divine being.
The temples demonstrate that a small human group united by strong ideals can create extraordinary works. The temples are a gift to humanity and its future generations. The temples can be visited by anyone who is moved by a sincere desire to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of this extraordinary work of art.
Eco philosophy in practice
Damanhurians consider the earth to be a sentient being to be respected and protected. From the beginning, demeanor has been committed to organic agriculture and nutrition, investing in land, greenhouses, and buildings to cultivate and produce products that are in harmony with the natural environment.
Certain important foods that cannot be cultivated in the Piedmont climate are grown in other damanhurian territories. For example, the olive groves of Romaji Oh in Florence produce organic olive oil of the highest quality.
In Damanhur, smoking is not allowed, even outdoors, as a form of respect not only for human life but also for plants, animals and the subtle forces of nature.

Music of plants
The desire for a strong connection with nature has inspired many original experiments, from a village in the trees for dreaming in contact with the forces of the forest to concerts of the music of the plants.
Flowers and trees learn to communicate with human beings. Damanhurians researchers have invented a special device that registers the difference in the electrical potential between the leaves and roots of plants and transmits individual sounds. This music especially touches the hearts of the children.
Concerts of the music of the plants are held regularly in Damanhur and have also been presented at festivals in Europe, India, the United States, and Canada.
Damanhur is an example of how the arts can be used right in the middle of a society to bring life to everything.
This isn’t even all of Damanhur. The Federation has a plethora of social facilities. And seeing all of this incredible magnitude in person is much better. This is an open community, so you can easily take a trip there.