What Is ESG-Tourism?

Published on July 18, 2022

ESG-tourism develops the economies of countries in a noble scenario where international dialogue is established, traditions, cultural heritage and ecology are preserved.

ESG-tourism motivates locals, private guides and tour companies to create humanistic and ecological offerings. To provide interesting experiences that will improve their economic condition and raise the level of development of villages, cities and countries.

The vast majority think that ESG-tourism is something about green tourism and ecology. Yes, ecology is one of the trio of Environmental, Social and Governance, but not the only one. 

ESG-tourism is not some idealistic concept, but a real and powerful tool that makes people wealthier and happier, and the environment cleaner. Like a sort of soft power, but in a more transparent way.

What is included in ESG-tourism?

  1. Support of the local economy and social sphere (local hotels, cafes, souvenirs, inclusion, solving social problems).
  2. Preservation of cultural heritage (crafts, language, art, architecture, cultural dialogue).
  3. Respect for the environment (saving resources, reducing human impact).
  4. Business management (social guarantees for employees, saving resources in the office).

Supporting the local economy and social sphere

Involvement of local residents

Many tourists already follow the ESG principle. They don’t choose all-inclusive hotels and prefer to stay in private hotels with locals. Share a meal with the hosts, buy products and souvenirs from them. They also prefer to visit the local farms instead of luxury restaurants. 

In this way tourists are immersed in the culture from the inside and increase the well-being of individual families, small businesses, and the area where they vacation.

For example, after such a tourist influx, mini-hotel or farm owners pay for their children’s education or expand their businesses and include into it anyone who is looking for work.

There is a unique Tablehurst Farm in Great Britain. It manifests the values and knowledge derived from Rudolf Steiner. He was Austrian doctor of philosophy, educator, lecturer, social reformer, and mystical explorer. Thanks to his research, the founders of the farm were able to successfully organize biodynamic farming, provide the village with products of the highest quality and involve people with disabilities in their work.  

Farm workers give tours, show the conditions of production, train and employ everyone who is interested. They are welcoming people who are interested in biodynamic initiatives. People who feel a connection with nature and are motivated to learn about farming based on the planet’s rhythms.

Tablehurst adheres to sustainable land use and treats animals with great responsibility and love. They provide a supportive environment for learning, teaching, personal and community development. The farms hold regular community events where they gladly welcome volunteers, give them an opportunity to get involved and learn farming techniques. 

Preserving Cultural Heritage 

Each area has its own workshops and studios where authentic art and everyday objects are made. You can watch how masterpieces are created or take part in a workshop. 

In Germany, for example, the rare craft of making fairy-tale cuckoo clocks still survives to this day. The first mention of such a clock dates back to 1629, when the nobleman Philip Heinhofer of Augsburg presented a cuckoo clock to August, Elector of Saxony. Nevertheless, the traditional cuckoo clock, with its recognizable dial and pinecone weights, originated in the German state of Schwarzwald. 

All watches here are made exclusively by hand, and the range of played melodies and design models is inexhaustible. The process of making intricate, exclusive pieces on average takes a month.

In the Museum of Clocks in Futwangen you can see the prototypes of the first clocks and see the magical process of making them. The same applies to tourists’ visits to traditional festivals and events where they can taste local food and buy souvenirs and participate in activities organized by non-profit foundations

ESG-tourism is a conscious tourism. When both the tourist and the entrepreneur understand what tangible and intangible profits can be gained in the process. In such travel a person comes into closer interaction with the soul of the country, its inner cuisine. A vacation in a hotel by the pool cannot provide this. People need traveling which really fills them up and helps them change themselves

Andrey Zaruev

an expert on corporate ESG standards

Respect for the environment

It is possible and necessary to control green areas. This is what was done in Tanzania with safari tours. The organizers specifically raised the price of tours, now safari visits a limited number of tourists. It gives nature time to rest at least a little. 

The use of green public transportation is another decisive step toward environmental protection. This includes trains, subways, and electric cars. More and more travel companies are switching to eco-driving.

Reducing the amount of plastic utensils in hotels and organizing plastic recycling is a perennial pain that can be solved by recycling and even conversion. For example, some hotels have blankets made from recycled plastic. 

Hotels that have a smorgasbord often throw out everything visitors don’t have time to eat. That’s why so important to switch to either recycling resources or selling leftover food to organizations for the poor.

Business management

Any travel business that manifests the principles of ESG of course must be guided by them from within.

It is necessary to save resources among employees. For example, to switch as much as possible to electronic document management, to save paper, to organize separate garbage collection in the office, to use water and electricity rationally.

A company with ESG convictions must take part in social and volunteer projects. Hire people from vulnerable groups: people with disabilities, women in difficult life situations, pensioners. Provide all employees with social guarantees. As a final result — choose contractors who also strive to preserve ecology, culture and development of humanistic values.

ESG-tourism will boost the economy of the whole world, if properly used locally. The main thing is to start small — villages and settlements. There you can create a thriving environment where people feel protected and full of inspiration.

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